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What’s Our Logo All About?

Have you ever wondered about the significance of our FBC logo? Take a look:

The logo isn’t just a fancy diagram or cute little graphic. It helps us understand who we are and what we do. Our logo tells the reality of our identity found in Jesus. How so?

Each part of the logo represents what is true about us as followers of Jesus.

The circle inside the logo centers on a disciple of Jesus.

The first section of the logo signifies that WE ARE FAMILY. God, the Father, has adopted us as his children. We live in community as brothers and sisters, sharing our lives. We gather regularly to worship, eat, celebrate, remind one another of the gospel, and live together.

The next section of the logo points to the reality that WE ARE SERVANTS. Jesus left his rightful place on his throne in heaven, made himself a fragile baby, and came to dwell in our mess. He went out of his way to heal the sick and lame, speak good news to the lost, wash his disciples’ filthy feet, and ultimately serve us to death. If the King of Kings is willing to serve in this way, and we are his disciples, how could we expect to live differently? We are committed to serving one another as family and neighbors outside the church. God has blessed us to be a blessing to others, so we strive to give our time, energy, money, and resources for God’s kingdom.

The outward-facing section tells us that WE ARE AMBASSADORS. Since humanity rebelled, God has been on a mission to reconcile creation to himself. The Father sent the Son to earth to redeem His people. The Son sent the Spirit to enable his people to participate in his mission. We, in turn, are sent ones – called to “go and make disciples,” bringing good news (Matthew 28:18-20).

So next time you see our logo, remember what it points us to: We are disciples who make disciples and a family of servant ambassadors, bringing the good news of Jesus to the world!

–Pastor Wade

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