Becoming Gospel Fluent | 4 Essential Questions – Part 5

Last time we looked at the importance of taking every thought captive for Christ. Today, we want to dig in a bit more with four essential questions that serve as a helpful framework for uncovering what’s going on in our hearts: how our beliefs shape our thoughts, words, and actions. Our actions reveal what we believe about our identity, and what we believe about our identity reveals our perspective on what God has done in and through Jesus. Our view on the work of God reveals what we’re affirming about the character and nature of God.

As the Spirit teaches us how to rehearse the gospel regularly in every area of our lives, these questions can help us “take every thought captive to obey Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5):

  1. Who is God? (His character, i.e., Father, Forgiver, faithful, patient, etc.)
  1. What has He done? (In the Bible, in your life, in and through Christ)
  1. Who are we, OR what is now true of us? (Identity stuff: dearly loved sons & daughters, provided for, entirely accepted, part of a big Family, missionary, servant, etc.)
  1. How do we live and get to respond? (In light of who God is, what He has done, and what is true of us, how will we now live or act?)

Here’s an example of how this can work for us—applied to feeling rejected or unloved by another person:

1. Who is God (and what is He like)?

God is a pursuer.

God is the knower of our souls and our needs.

God is a perfect and forever-loving Father.

2. What has He done (that shows us this is true)?

-In the Bible:

God pursued Adam and Eve immediately after they disobeyed Him.

God knew Job’s heart and pain and met him in his need and loss.

God cared for Ruth and knew the desires of her heart.

-Through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus:

Jesus was/is a friend of sinners (like me).

Jesus spent his life making friends with those who were rejected and felt like outsiders (woman caught in adultery, woman at the well, Zacchaeus).

Jesus died for us so that we might once again be brought into a close and loving relationship with our committed, sovereign Father and part of His forever family.

-In your own life in the past:

Jesus was a friend and comforter to me when no one else understood what I was going through.

When I was rejected by someone I loved deeply, Jesus was the perfect and consistent lover of my soul.

3. What is now true of us? (Identity, authority, privilege)

We are perfectly and entirely accepted children of the King.

We are adopted (forever) sons and daughters.

We possess the indwelt Holy Spirit as a full-time comforter and counselor.

We are now missionaries also sent to comfort the rejected and broken; Jesus will never leave or forsake us!

4. How do we get to respond?

We live in light of always having the perfect love of the One who truly matters!

We turn to Jesus with our hurts and needs at any time.

We pursue others who need to experience the love and acceptance God offers everyone through Jesus.

Think it Through:

Think of a situation, feeling, fear, need, etc., that you may be experiencing this week. Think through the four questions and how they can address your area. If you need help thinking about this, contact me. I’d love to walk it through with you!

–Pastor Wade

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