12 Stones for FBC

This past Sunday, the elder team shared “Twelves Stones” that have and will continue to root us in helping people find and follow Jesus here, near, and far. The pillars help center us in Christ and are reminders of the work we are called to do to glorify God, equip and build up the Church, and win people to Jesus. Let me briefly summarize the twelve stones:

History: God’s faithfulness to FBC is evident as we consider our 46-year existence. As we remember those who have gone before us, it is our turn to faithfully pass on the ministry to the next generation.

Shared Leadership: This past year has seen a significant change in sharing leadership among the body. From creating a preaching team and a diverse worship team to women and men leading in all areas of ministry, we remember that the Church is not personality-driven but driven by the Spirit of Jesus. Jesus builds his Church, and we get to join him on this mission. The vibrant and diverse gifts of God’s people will continue to be implemented and invested in at FBC.

Finances: The past three years have shown a decline in giving at FBC. We have made significant changes to help accommodate this reality, but still, we are challenged as we seek to pay off debt, fund church planting, expand our missional focus, and support our full-time staff. However, we have seen numerous hearts of generosity among our church family! We believe that God will provide, and we remember that Jesus built his Church and will give us all we need for God’s kingdom to come and his will to be done in and through FBC.

Family: We are committed to forming and equipping a Family of Servant Ambassadors who Dwell in Christ, Nurture Relationships, and Advance the Gospel. We mourn with those who mourn and rejoice with those who rejoice. We remember the importance of living as brothers and sisters in the family of God, displaying to the world what it’s like to be a part of God’s eternal people.

Discipleship: As a Family of Servant Ambassadors, we strive to make disciples who make disciples. This means that we are leading people to Jesus and helping people follow Jesus in every area of their lives. Through Missional Communities, Mentor Groups, Re: gen, and various other ministries, we are helping people get connected to gospel community. We remember the importance of equipping each member of FBC as a citizen of God’s kingdom and growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus (2 Peter 3:18).

Mission: We have been given an enormous blessing and huge responsibility to serve, bless, and disciple here, near, and far. Locally and globally, we are committed to blessing those around us with the good news of Jesus. We remember that our commission from Jesus is to make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20).

Evangelism: Sharing the gospel is essential to all we do. We are committed to teaching the members of FBC to engage in spiritual conversations with all they rub shoulders with. We remember the eternal consequences for those who do not trust in Christ and seek to share God’s amazing love and life with everyone we can. 

Discipling New Believers: We are committed to disciplining those already following Jesus and baptizing and teaching new followers of Jesus. We want to equip new (as well as old!) disciples to share their faith stories. We commit to providing training this year to do that. We also want to connect new believers into gospel community so that they grow and develop as disciples.

Training, Equipping, & Multiplying Leaders: We hope to appoint new elders and deacons to serve FBC in the coming months. In addition, we are training and equipping new Missional Community leaders with the hope of launching 5-8 new MCs this year. New Mentor Group leaders, Re: gen leaders and ministry apprenticeships will continue to develop and multiply, Lord willing. Our heart also beats to plant at least one Church in the next 3-5 years. 

Helping People Find & Follow Jesus: You know this. It’s our mission and God’s plan to redeem lost humanity. 

To Be a Faithful Church: If you read Revelation 2-3, you’ll hear Jesus urge the Churches to follow him and rebuke Churches that lose their God-ward focus. We are committed to being a church of good deeds, hard work, endurance, love for Jesus, hatred of wickedness, faithful suffering, true to Jesus’ name, steadfast love, service, perseverance, keeping Jesus’ word, repentance, and listening to the Spirit.

To Bring God the Glory: Read Habakkuk 2:14 and Ephesians 3:20-21. Yes, and amen!

Family, will you commit to joining your elders in praying that these twelve stones will be worked in and through FBC in the coming year and beyond? Will you commit to partnering in the gospel with one another? Will you connect yourself to the service, mission, and gospel community at FBC? Can we count on you?

Together, we will see the glory of God fill the earth as we commit to walking in his ways. What a fantastic journey we are on as God’s people.


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